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Websites > Greek Links > Greek Artists Sites > M - Last Name Starts with M > Manto

Manto Web links, Official Site, Fan pages

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Title Oi Agapes Fevgoun Ta Tragoudia Menoun - 2 CD
Description CD 1:
1. Poia matia se koitazoune
2. Kardia mou ego
3. Poia nihta s'eklepse
4. Ela
5. Pali tha klapso
6. Ola dika sou
7. Tis ores pou se thelo
8. Min ta filas ta matia mou
9. Fteme ki oi dio
10. Me ti kardia ton kosmo n'arnitho
11. Itan mia fora ke ena kero
12. Otan
13. Dos'mou t'athanato nero
14. To palio roloi

CD 2:
1. Fenete
2. S'anazito
3. Ise sti zoi mou
4. De me afora
5. To telefteo fili
Hits 13
Category Manto
URL http://www.greekshops.com/detail.aspx?ProdID=5203370211105&RefID=377
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